The tithe was agrarian which means BASED ON THE LAND. Plain and simple - THE TITHE WAS NOT 10% OF INCOME, it was 10% of the harvest.

The tithe of the harvest was unrelated to the income of the harvest. Under the agrarian (land based) tithing system it didn't matter If one sold the remaining 9 carrots for $5 and the other sold his remaining 9 carrots for $10. If two farmers had crops of 10 carrots each, they would both be obligated to tithe one carrot. Also see part 16 for some thoughts on Melchizedek and further discussion of pre-law tithing. We shall soon see, law tithing was mandatory, but the scriptures that mention PRE-LAW tithing say the tithe was GIVEN. Some mandated tithing teachers use scriptures that state one is to BRING the tithe rather than GIVE the tithe to prove that tithing is mandatory - meaning it is a command TO BRING verses a voluntary act TO GIVE. Those seeking to make tithing strictly money and income based, mandatory and routine because tithing was "before the law" are not teaching what tithing was "before the law." Also take note of the following scriptures showing the voluntary nature of pre-law giving. This is important and profits will be discussed later. In other words, profits are what is left AFTER all other obligations are met. Profits are what is fully owned, non-credit or lien based goods, property or money. Therefore, Jacob intended to tithe profits. Since scripture only records two incidents of voluntary pre-law tithing, it is clear tithing was not a routine pre-law practice.Īlso, Jacob conditionally promised to tithe what he fully owned and earned.

Pre-law giving of tithes was NOT commanded by God. Either way, both examples make clear tithing before the law was voluntary. Jacob's single example of tithing was promised by Jacob to God IF God did something and scripture remains unclear if Jacob ever followed through. Either way it is irrelevant because Abraham did NOT have a God given commandment to give tithes. Some scholars say tithing was a social mandate during this time. There is nothing in scripture that says Abraham tithed his personal income or wealth at any time.Ībraham received a blessing and then gave a tithe, apparently out of social duty or custom. Since Abraham had taken a vow not to personally take spoils of this war, Abraham apparently tithed what belonged to others or would soon belong to others. Abraham's example was a one-time tithe of the spoils of war. The 2 examples of pre-law tithing in Genesis were one time events, VOLUNTARY and involved more than money. Before The Law Tithing Was Voluntary, Not A God Given Command Or A Routine Practice Mouse Over The Scripture References To See The Actual Verses - 1. So, if you are just cheap and don't want to give, this article is NOT for you! However, if you need freedom from mandated tithing and other forms of manipulated, guilt driven giving, this article IS for you. The sound Biblical principle that churches and ministers can be supported by those they serve is not changed, destroyed or diminished by this document. This document exposes mandated tithing, corrupt teaching and manipulated, guilt driven giving. ĭespite this crystal clear dialogue and MANY other scriptures stating Law keeping by Gentiles is not commanded, 2,000 years later men are still, "troubling people with words and subverting their souls." Get your Bibles, try to put your bias aside and let's see what the Bible REALLY says about this issue.

"We have heard that certain people which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, "You must be circumcised, AND KEEP THE LAW to whom we gave NO SUCH COMMANDMENT.". The Apostles, the elders and the brethren in Jerusalem wrote the Gentiles saying, Over the years, I have seen the doctrines regarding money and giving get corrupted beyond belief.